Das Dojo
In a Dojo, one learns not only the techniques of martial art. In Japanese, the term dojo describes the "place where one finds his way." It is the place where your Shin (spirit), Gi (technique) and Tai (body) are combined.There are some rules to follow in a Dojo.
Code of behaviour (Regeisho)
The Greeting Etiquette: One bows when entering or leaving the Dojo, at the begining or at the end of each partner exercise and at the begining or at the end of each practice you bow to the Sensei.
The student with the highest ranking (Sempei) leads the greeting ceremony (see basic terminology).
Avoid interruptions and unnecessary comments.
Wait for training breaks to discuss any issues with the Sensei.
Always ask for permission of the sensei for leaving and entering the training.
Active assistance in laying the mats or any organizational processes.
Basic terminology in Ju Jutsu
Shomen ni Rei: Greeting to the picture of Soke or of the organization
Shinzen ni Rei: Greeting to the Kamidana (Shrine)
Sensei ni Rei: Greeting to the Sensei
Otagai ni Rei: Greeting among students
Onegai shimasu: Means 'Please let me train with you'
Do itashimashite: You're welcome
Mokuso: Concentration, Meditation
Mokuso Yame: Ending of meditation
Dozo: Please
Hjime: Start, Begin
Yame: Stop, End
Uke: Offensive trainingpartner
Tori: Defensive trainingpartner
Kuzushi: Off-Balance
Zanshin: Alertness
Oss: Means 'I have understood'.